What is PEMF?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) is a safe and noninvasive tool that works by sending gentle pulsing electromagnetic fields through the tissues of the body, helping to properly distribute charged particles within the cells. By helping to restore proper cellular charge, PEMF can help increase cell metabolism, improving cellular function and promoting a greater overall wellness within the body.



History of PEMF

PEMF has only recently become a well-known modality in the United States, but it has actually been around for several decades. PEMF research started in the 20th century in Eastern Europe and was a fairly well developed modality by the 1990’s. The first FDA approved system was developed in the 1980’s and the past 30 years has been filled with exciting new research and development of additional systems.


Benefits of PEMF

1.     Decrease inflammation and increase circulation.

"PEMFs increase heat-independent blood-flow to skeletal muscle after treatment. Increased blood flow, like that during exercise, enhances nutrient delivery and facilitates gas exchange in active or injured tissues.”

2.     Increase range of motion

A study done on PEMF applied during cast immobilization found that “the range of motion was significantly higher in the PEMF group in comparison to that in the control group”

3.     Promote recovery from exercise

"Overall, the application of the PEMF was found to be effective in reducing the physiological deficits associated with DOMS [delayed onset muscle soreness], including improved recovery of perceived muscle soreness during isometric contraction.

4.     Promote relaxation

"In conclusion, we found that manual acupuncture and electromagnetic field stimulation at BL15 using manual acupuncture and a PEMF (2 Hz and 460 gauss) caused identical patterns for the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.*", promoting relaxation, decreasing heart rate and increasing digestion.

5.     Increase energy levels

"Specifically, subjects experienced significantly less fatigue during the four weeks they wore the active [PEMF] device than they did while wearing the placebo device."



While there are a couple contraindications for PEMF such as active bleeding, pregnancy, and some other ongoing medical conditions, PEMF is a wonderful modality for most horses. From top show horses to weekend trail horses there are benefits for everyone within PEMF, bringing wellness and performance to the next level!


Beebe SJ, Lai, N, Hani, M, Lassiter, BP, & Kolterman, T. (2019, February 12). PEMF - Its Correlation to Enhanced Energy, Endurance, and Performance.

Jeon HS, Kang SY, Park JH, Lee HS. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on delayed-onset muscle soreness in biceps brachii. Phys Ther Sport. 2015 Feb;16(1):34-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2014.02.006. Epub 2014 Mar 7. PMID: 24906295.

Lappin MS, Lawrie FW, Richards TL, Kramer ED. Effects of a pulsed electromagnetic therapy on multiple sclerosis fatigue and quality of life: a double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Altern Ther Health Med. 2003 Jul-Aug;9(4):38-48. PMID: 12868251.

Lee NR, Kim SB, Heo H, Lee YH. Comparison of the Effects of Manual Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture, and Electromagnetic Field Stimulation at Acupuncture Point BL15 on Heart Rate Variability. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2016 Oct;9(5):257-263. doi: 10.1016/j.jams.2016.06.002. Epub 2016 Jul 1. PMID: 27776764.

Lucyna Krzyżańska, Anna Straburzyńska-Lupa, Patrycja Rąglewska, Leszek Romanowski, "Beneficial Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field during Cast Immobilization in Patients with Distal Radius Fracture", BioMed Research International, vol. 2020, Article ID 6849352, 8 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6849352


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