About Me

My journey with horses started at a very young age. I began taking riding lessons at the age of 7 and quickly fell in love with not only the horses, but also the sport. Through my beginning years I dabbled in everything from dressage and hunters, to saddle seat. 

When I was 10 years old my parents bought me my first pony, Lulu, a misunderstood quarter horse that would change my life forever.

 Lulu and I showed locally in the hunters for several years before switching to eventing. We placed decently, but most importantly we had a lot of fun. In 2014, I got a young Off the Track Thoroughbred mare named, Tenny, to start retraining to be my competition horse while Lulu became my mom’s dressage pony. However in mid 2015, Lulu had to be retired after being diagnosed with Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD), which was devastating blow to me. DSLD is a newer disease with little known about its pathology and no known cure. I felt hopeless and helpless. I was in my freshman year of college at this time and instantly knew that I needed to pursue a path in which I could help horses by increasing comfort and functionality in their bodies.

 I was introduced to bodywork in 2016 and was blown away by the difference it made in horses, physically and mentally.  After watching one session, I instantly knew that I too wanted to be able to help horses heal physically and mentally. I attended the Art of Equine Massage and Bodywork in Loveland, Colorado where I received my certification in Equine Massage and Bodywork. I now aim to help all of my clients become the best versions of themselves, and to be happy and comfortable while doing any job they may be asked to do.



  • C3 Pony Clubber

  • B.S. Biology- University of North Georgia

  • Certification in Equine Massage and Bodywork- Art of Equine Massage and Bodywork

  • Craniosacral Therapy 1- Upledger Institute